Role of the Gut Microbiota in Arterial Thrombosis
Dr. Christoph Reinhardt, from University Mainz, Germany, will be joining us this October to discuss his latest findings on the "Role of the Gut Microbiota in Arterial Thrombosis".
The gut microbiota impacts vascular phenotypes in the small intestinal mucosa but via the gut-liver axis also acts remotely on the hepatic sinusoidal endothelium.
Experimentation with germ-free mouse models indicates that this densely colonized microbial ecosystem promotes vascular inflammation and interferes with the atherosclerotic lesion development. Importantly, involving endothelial and platelet-dependent mechanisms, the gut microbiota promotes arterial thrombus growth.
Join Dr. Christoph Reinhardt in Targeting Microbiota 2022 to benefit from his experience and better understand the role of microbiota in arterial thrombosis.
Targeting Microbiota 2022 Congress
October 19-21, 2022 - Paris, France