8th World World Congress on
Targeting Microbiota 2021
October 20-22, 2021
UNESCO, Paris, France, In-Person & Online
Online Workshop Gut Microbiota & Skin Microbiota Workshop October 20, 2021
9h00 - 13h30 How to Evaluate & Modulate Gut Microbiota? Carole Nicco Institut Cochin - INSERM U1016, Université de Paris, France
For full agenda, registration and information, please follow this link

14h00 - 18h00 How to Evaluate Skin Microbiota 2021? Florence Abdallah, University of Paris Sud – INSERM 1184, France
For full agenda, registration and information, please follow this link

Day One Targeting Microbiota 2021 - Mechanisms & Pathologies October 21, 2021
8h45 Inaugural Speech: Microbiota 2021 - Vision & Gaps
9h00 - 10h30 Microbiota Dysbiosis in Diseases: Recent Advances
- Microbiota Dysbiosis in the Pathogenesis of COVID-19
- Microbiota Dysbiosis & Cancer
Short Oral Presentations |
10h30 - 12h00 Epigenetic Activity of the Microbiota & Metabolites
12h00 - Break |
12h30 - 14h00 Microbiota Metabolites: State of the Art & Perspective
Short Oral Presentations |
14h00 - 15h30 Microbiota & Environment |
15h30 - Break |
15h45 - 17h00 Targeting Microbiome Big Data, Algorithms, Machine Learning Challenges |
Short Oral Presentations |
18h30 End of the first day |
Day Two Clinical Studies & Innovations & Animal Microbiota October 22, 2021
8h00 - 10h30 Targeting Microbiota Dysbiosis: Strategies to Manipulate the Microbiome & Microbiota
- FMT 2021: What's New ?
- Phage Therapy & Microbiome
- Cancer & Immunotherapy
- Gut Microbiota & Antibiotics
10h30 - Break |
10h45 - 12h30 Brain, Behaviour, Ageing and Microbiota |
12h30 - Break |
13h00 - 15h00 Microbiota Innovation, Challenges & Sprints
- Find an effective and inexpensive diagnostic test and technologies to predict dysbiosis and be able to quickly correct it in human Gut, Skin, nasal, buccal, or saliva samples
- The best probiotic strains for health and diseases
- Microbiota Innovation Technics & Devices 2021
- Strategies to control shifts in the composition of the microbiota, causing a state of dysbiosis that reflects the pathological process and contributes to disease pathogenesis
15h00 - Break |
15h30 - 18h00 Targeting Animal Microbiota Symposium
Short Oral Presentations |
19h00 Concluding Remarks |
Scientific & Innovations Awards |
19h30 End of Targeting Microbiota 2021 |
If you wish to submit your abstract for Short oral presentation or Poster, please follow the link below.