
Novel techniques in microbiota research: From meta-omics to single cells

Jakob ZimmermannDr.  Jakob Zimmermann, University of Bern, Switzerland will highlight "Novel techniques in microbiota research: From meta-omics to single cells" during Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017.
According to Dr Jakob Zimmermann: "Recent advances in next generation sequencing have vastly increased our knowledge about composition and functional potential of the intestinal microbiota.
While meta-genomic and -transcriptomic approaches have provided fundamental new insight into host-microbiota mutualism, they do not deliver information on the single cell level or allow for further functional, e.g. metabolomic characterization of the bacteria.
In my talk, I will briefly summarize recent developments in alternative, complementary approaches, such as cultivating previously “unculturable” bacteria. In particular, I will introduce our novel approach of FACS-sorting viable bacteria from a defined murine intestinal microbiota based on genome size and light-scattering for downstream functional and metabolomic analyses."
For more information:

The ISM Scientific Contribution Award 2017 was discerned to Prof. Paul Forsythe

Prof. Paul ForsytheThe Scientific Committee of the 5th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota, which was held in Berlin on October 26-27, 2017 awarded Prof. Paul Forsythe from McMaster University, Canada for his scientific contribution in the world of microbiota.

During Targeting Microbiota 2017, Prof. Forsythe gave a presentation about "The microbiota-gut-brain axis: modulation by probiotics and antibiotics".


Microbiota and autoimmune diseases: a shield or a sword?

Filippo Canducci Microbiota Congress2016During the 5th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017, Dr. Filippo Canducci from University of Insubria, Italy will present his study related to "Microbiota and autoimmune diseases: a shield or a sword?" .

According to Dr. Filippo Canducci: "In many autoimmune conditions an altered gut microbial composition is frequently observed.  This raises the question whether the reduction of protective microbes or the increase of pathobionts can influence host immune responses or may trigger or sustain the autoimmune condition. Moreover, a detailed species or strain-level identification may be necessary together with the microbiome analysis at different body sites in the gut to better understand the pathogeneses of autoimmune diseases and to plan preventive or therapeutic strategies."

For more information about Targeting Microbiota Congress, which will be held in Berlin on October 26-27, 2017:

What is the role of nasal microbiota in respiratory recurrent infections (RRI)?

Desiderio Passali Targeting microbiotaProf. Desiderio Passali, from University of Siena, Italy will present his studies on the “Role of nasal Microbiota in respiratory recurrent infections (RRI)” during the 5th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017.

According to Prof. Passali, the presence of a normal naso-sinusal microbial ecosystem, the so called nasal microbiota, is the mainstay for a good homeostasis of respiratory tract.

An imbalance of the nasal microbiota can lead to upper respiratory recurrent infections, which represent the most common illnesses in the patient outsetting.

Special interest grow up in the last years on possible approaches to restore the nasal microbiota. In this context, the topical administration of bacterial species belonging to the healthy human nasal microbiota can offers great benefits for the patient, contributing to the re-colonization process, re-establishing microbial balance, and reducing the level of potential pathogens and could represent a valid alternative to antibiotic.

In particular, the combination of two α-hemolytic streptococci, S. salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a, was able to interfere, in vitro, with the biofilm formation capacity of pathogenic strains of the upper airway; moreover, this combination, resulted able, in various clinical trials, to significantly reduce the recurrence rates of upper respiratory infections.

For more information:

Intestinal microbiota and primary sclerosing cholangitis: Presentation of the recent scientific advances

Johhanes HovDr. Johannes Espolin Roksund Hov, from Oslo University Hospital, Norway will present his study related to "Intestinal microbiota and primary sclerosing cholangitis" during the 5th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017.

According to him: "Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic presumably autoimmune inflammatory disease of the biliary tree, often leading to endstage liver disease or incurable cancer of the bile ducts. No effetive medical treatment is available. Up to 80% of the patients have concomitant inflammatory bowel disease, making PSC the ultimate model of disturbances in the gut-liver axis. Does the key to the development - and also the treatment of the disease - lie in the gut? I will review the latest evidence of a role of the gut microbiota in PSC and discuss possible pathogenetic concepts​, which may also be relevant in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases in general."

For more information about Targeting Microbiota Congress, which will be held in Berlin on October 26-27, 2017:

Human Gut Microbiota : from structure to functions

Herve BlottiereDr. Hervé Blottière from INRA, Micalis Institute and Metagenopolis, Université Paris-Saclay, France will present his study related to "Human Gut Microbiota : from structure to functions" during the 5th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017.

According to him: "The intestinal microbiota is of great complexity. The metagenomic approach has allowed rapid advancement in characterizing the genetic and genomic diversity of our microbiota. The exhaustive sequencing of the intestinal microbiota of hundreds of healthy individuals, but also that of patients suffering from various pathologies demonstrated the importance of a symbiosis between the microbiota and its host. Dysbiosis of this ecosystem was associated with several diseases, revealing bacterial species as signatures of the patient's condition. An innovative functional metagenomic approach has been implemented allowing to identify bacterial genes and molecules / metabolites involved in this cross talk. The cutting-edge characterization of our other genome, our metagenome, remains a crucial step in the full understanding of the human body."

For more information about Targeting Microbiota Congress, which will be held in Berlin on October 26-27, 2017:

Role of the skin microbiota in human health and disease: Dr Markus Egert was awarded for his scientific contribution


During the 2nd Symposium on Skin Microbiota, Dr Markus Egert from the Faculty of Medical & Life Sciences (MLS), Institute for Precision Medicine, Furtwangen University, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany gave a concise overview about "More than skin-deep: the role of the skin microbiota in human health and disease". This strategic presentation was awarded by the scientific contribution from the scientific committee.

According to Dr Egert: "The human skin is one of the largest and most versatile organs of the human body. Owing to its function as a protective interface between the largely sterile interior of the human body and the highly microbially contaminated outer environment, it is densely colonized with a diverse and active microbiota. Today, this skin microbiota is recognized as an important driver of human health and well-being. It is influenced by many host and environmental factors and interacts closely with the skin immune system. Although cause and effect might be difficult to discriminate, changes in skin microbiota structure and function clearly play a role in the pathobiology of many skin diseases and cosmetic disorders, such as body odor production. Hence, treatment and prevention strategies have to respect this role, rendering pre- and probiotic and even transplantation therapies an additional option to the use of antibiotics. Key questions in the field of skin microbiota research deal with (a) a deeper understanding of the structure (species inventory) and function (physiology) of the healthy human skin microbiota in space and time, (b) the distinction of resident and transient skin microbiota members, (c) the distinction of beneficial skin microorganisms from microorganisms or communities with an adverse or sickening effect on their hosts, (d) factors shaping the skin microbiota and its functional role in health and disease, (e) strategies to manipulate the skin microbiota for therapeutic reasons."

Testimal from Dr Egert: "I definitely enjoyed the ISM Skin Microbiota meeting very much, and I certainly felt very honored to receive the speaker award. Overall, the presentations were very carefully selected and provided a good overview about state-of-the-art topics and new products in the field of skin microbiota research. The meeting was also an excellent opportunity for networking. Personally, I feel that skin microbiota research is still lagging a bit behind gut microbiota research, e.g. regarding the functionality of the microbiota and its (functional) involvement in human health and disease. For instance, while it very clear that butyrate (by fueling the colonocytes) plays a crucial role for the human intestinal homeostasis, similar knowledge about the role of skin microbiota metabolites is still largely missing. Here, more research is needed, in particular because metabolites might be used much easier as therapeutics or in skin care products than living microorganisms."

If you would like to have more information about skin microbiota symposium, please follow this link.

Dysbiosis profiling and pediatric diseases: pattern correlations and bacterial dysfuntions.

Lorenza Putignani

Dr. Lorenza Putignani from Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital and Research Institute, Italy will present her study of "Dysbiosis profiling and pediatric diseases: pattern correlations and bacterial dysfuntions." during 5th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017.

According to her: "Programming in early life is associated to microbial ecology and chronological succession of competitive microbial communities. The assessment of eubiotic profiling in childhood needs to consider onset and modification of gut microbiota through development stages. Regardless these large modifications, microbiota profiling associated to pediatric diseases is very robust and stable, depending on age and geographic patterns. Fixed these parameters, dysbiotic levels can be defined and computed in childhood, providing an excellent  example of microbiota profiling".

For more information about Targeting Microbiota Congress, which will be held in Berlin on October 26-27, 2017:

Probiotics as potential therapeutics in the management of metabolic syndrome

Ryo Aoki Targeting MicrobiotaDr. Ryo Aoki from Ezaki Glico, Tokyo, Japan will present his study of  "Probiotics as potential therapeutics in the management of metabolic syndrome" during 5th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017.

According to him: "Obesity is becoming a global epidemic, and a major contributor to increased incidence of serious chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Recent interest in the gut microbiota has reinforced the concept that our colonic bacteria may not simply reflect lifestyle choices such as diet, but they can also influence energy metabolism. Several studies show that obesity leads to the composition shift of gut microbiota in both mice and humans. In addition, it is revealed that microbial metabolites including short-chain fatty acids have distinct actions relevant to energy homoeostasis. Thus, modulation of the gut microbiota by probiotics treatment is considered an emerging strategy for controlling body weight and insulin sensitivity. This presentation will focus on the effects of probiotics treatment on obesity and on the underlying mechanisms in order to elucidate the properties of probiotics involved in the anti-obesity effects."

For more information:

Diet-microbe interactions and their impact to cardiometabolic health

Federico ReyDr. Federico Rey, from University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA will present his study related to "Diet-microbe interactions and their impact to cardiometabolic health" during the 5th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017.

According to him: "Whole-grains, vegetables and fruits confer protection against metabolic and cardiovascular disease. The beneficial effects associated with these dietary components are at least in part mediated by end products of gut microbial metabolism, including short chain fatty acids, and metabolites derived from flavonoids, which are found at high levels in these diets. Conversely, gut microbes can also transform otherwise beneficial dietary compounds into metabolites that are harmful for the host [...] We are studying how microbes metabolize nutrients, how they interact with each other as a function of diet and host genotype and how these interactions impact health. I will illustrate our approaches focusing our recent studies aimed at defining the interrelationships between dietary choline, the gut microbiota and the host levels of choline, TMAO and host health."

For more information about Targeting Microbiota Congress, which will be held in Berlin on October 26-27, 2017:

Hemodynamic effects of hydrogen sulfide, indole and tmao - gut bacteria-derived molecules: the role of the gut-blood barrier

Marcin Ufnal

Dr. Marcin Ufnal from Medical University of Warsaw, Poland, will talk about  gut bacteria and the role of the gut-blood barrier during 5th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017.

 "Gut bacteria produces numerous biologically active molecules which cross the gut-blood barrier and target blood vessels, the heart and other organs involved in the regulation of the circulatory system. In our laboratory we have found that hypertension is associated with an increased permeability of the colon to gut bacteria metabolites and that intracolonic administration of several gut bacteria-derived molecules significantly affects arterial blood pressure. In this paper I will present studies showing cardiovascular effects of microbiota-derived compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, indole and methylamines. Besides the effect of cardiovascular diseases on the gut-blood barrier will be discussed."

For more information:

Cleveland Clinic’s Microbiome Center - Multiple Faculty Positions



The Cleveland Clinic is building a new Center focused on the microbiome, its involvement in human health, and its potential as a target for therapeutic interventions. We are seeking highly qualified investigators who use definitive approaches to understand the nature of the microbiome and its impact on host physiology and disease susceptibility. Basic, translational and clinical investigators who are leaders in the field of microbiome-related research are sought to help build this new center. In addition, highly promising early career investigators with microbiome-related research interests are encouraged to apply. Candidates are also sought with expertise in areas related to microbiology, including, but not limited to, microbe-microbe interactions, gut-organ interactions, microbial enzymology and biochemistry, bacteriophage therapy and gnotobiotics.

Individuals will receive faculty appointments at the appropriate level (Assistant, Associate, or Full) in the Department of Cellular & Molecular Medicine. New recruits will join a highly collaborative environment with outstanding opportunities for interactions with basic and translational investigators, as well as with clinicians from multiple specialties. Outstanding facilities, generous start-up funds, and ongoing operational support will be provided.

The Lerner Research Institute, with nearly 200 independent investigators in 10 departments and an annual budget of >$240 million, has a commitment to excellence in basic, translational and clinical research, with an emphasis on interactive, collaborative research. Faculty are members of the Molecular Medicine Graduate Training Program at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and may join other Programs, providing access to excellent Ph.D. students enrolled in well-developed training programs.

Candidates should submit a complete curriculum vitae and brief statement of research interests by email to: Mr. Michael Piccirillo,

The Cleveland Clinic Foundation is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer in a smoke/drug free environment

Lactobacilli Modulate Epithelial Cytoprotection through the Nrf2 Pathway

Jones rheinallt targeting microbiotaProf. Rheinallt M. Jones from Emory University School of Medicine, USA will talk about "Lactobacilli Modulate Epithelial Cytoprotection through the Nrf2 Pathway" during Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017.

"The next phase of microbiome-related studies must focus on the identification of the functional molecular elements that mediate the positive influence of a eubiotic microbiome on health and disease. We demonstrated that contact between the gut epithelia and lactobacilli prompts the rapid accumulation of enzymatically generated reactive oxygen species (ROS) within host cells. ROS have been shown to function as second messengers in many signal transduction pathways via the transient oxidative activity on sensor proteins bearing oxidant-sensitive thiol groups. Examples of redox sensitive proteins sensitive to lactobacilli-induced ROS generation include tyrosine phosphatases that serve as regulators of MAPK pathways, focal adhesion kinase, as well as components involved NF-kB activation. This presentation will focus on the mechanisms whereby probiotic lactobacilli modulate the ROS-sensitive and cytoprotective Nrf2 signaling pathway in the intestine of Drosophila and mammals."

For more information:

Microbiota and chronic under nutrition: A strategic presentation by Pr François Leulier

Franois Leulier MicrobiotaPr François Leulier from the Institute of Functional Genomique at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Lyon, France will review the current knowledge and their recent work on the interconnection between malnutrition, intestinal microbiota, juvenile growth and glucose metabolism.

Then Pr Leulier will shed light on our preclinical work using insect and murine models about the functional relevance of interventions using qualified lactobacilli strains to buffer the deleterious effect of malnutrition on juvenile growth and glucose metabolism. Finally, he will illustrate their current understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying such effects.

For more information:


Probiotics and bone health: Pr Roberto Pacifici will present the recent scientific advances and perspectives

Roberto Pacifici Microbiota

Numerus studies have shown that probiotics have positive effects in bone. The team of Prof. Pacifici and others have reported that probiotics prevent the loss of bone induced by estrogen deficiency. Probiotics prevent the bone loss induced by sex steroid deficiency by activating signaling pathways in enterocytes that promote gut barrier integrity.

During Berlin Microbiota Congress 2017, Prof. Roberto Pacifici from Emory University School of Medicine, USA will present the different pathways which promote gut barrier integrity.

To know more about this presentation, please don't hesitate to participate to Targeting Microbiota World Congress.

Microbiota & medicine of tomorrow by Marvin Edeas, chairman of ISM Scientific Committee

Marvin Edeas MicrobiotaOn behalf of the members of the scientific committee and the President of ISM, we are pleased to inform you about the strategies for our annual meeting: 5th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota, which will be held in Berlin, Germany on October 26-27, 2017.


We took on consideration the conclusion of our past meeting which was held at Institut Pasteur, Paris last October 2016 and the valuable remarks and conclusion presented by Pr Peter Konturek. We decided to underline and target the following strategies:


  • Can we modulate the quality and diversity of human microbiota? 
  • How to induce durable beneficial changes in gut microbiota? What is the importance for prevention and therapy of IBS, IBD, CRC and other GI and liver diseases?
  • Where is the red line of the gut microbiota manipulation?
  • What are the strategic mediators of gut microbiota?
  • How to understand better the role of bacterial metabolites?
  • What is the perfect microbiota "signature" and how to use it as a biomarker to "predict" and/or treat many diseases?
  • More studies on small intestine microbiota are needed: different composition and more dynamic variation compared with the colon
  • What is the impact of non-bacterial components on host health: viruses, protozoa, fungi?
  • Challenges of microbiota sequencing and analyzing: How to interprete the results and where is the golden standard?
  • Additional studies urgently needed from Asia, Africa and South America
  • Challenges of microbiota-host cross-talk understanding and intestinal microbiome signaling to extraintestinal organs
    • Exact role in the immune tolerance (allergic diseases)
    • Role of lung microbiota (asthma and other chronic diesases of the lung)
    • Role of microbiota brain gut axis in functional diseases of GI tract and psychiatric and neurologic diseases  
    • Impact of gut microbiota on NASH, obesity and diabetes mellitus
    • Contribution of gut microbiota to the development of autoimmune diseases 
    • Role of gut microbiota in the pathogenesis of skin diseases (gut-skin axis)
    • Role of gut microbiota in the pathogenesis osteoporosis (gut-bone axis)
    • Contribution of gut microbiota to neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer‘s disease, Parkinsons‘s disease)
  • Microbiota & medicine of tomorrow: Development of effective therapeutic strategies to manipulate the gut microbiota
    • Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (attributes of the optimal donor, optimal mode of delivery, designed microbiota-based capsule)
    • New pre- and probiotics (single vs consortium)
    • Bacterial metabolites: the pharmaceutical challenge

Of course, we are open to any new ideas, suggestions and topics from all of you. 

All our best.

Pr Marvin Edeas

Chairman of ISM Scientific Committee
Cochin Institute-INSERM 1016
University Paris Descartes
Paris, France


Steigenberger Hotel Berlin will host Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017 and will offer you privileged rates for your early booking!

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If you would like to extend your stay before October 25 or after October 27 (subject to availability), please complete the form available here and send it directly to the hotel.

You can also contact directly the hotel at provide the code "MICROBIOTA 2017". 
Reservations will be accepted either by telephone: +49 30 212 7702, fax: +49 30  212 77 99 or email:





The 2016 is approaching to the end and a fantastic year will come...

Merry ChristmasDear estimated Collegues,

The 2016 is approaching to the end and a new fantastic year will come. The 2016 sees in pubmed the amazing amount of more than 4.000 articles regarding the Microbiota….the meaning is that we are on the right way!! Indeed, more and more outstanding experts are continuously involved in the microbioma study and the interest increases day by day, especially in the biomedical field.

Looking at this, we are thinking at the new preliminary program for the next 2017 in order to involve the best scientists around the world, and especially those who are also able to create networks and share informations.

Here further topics we should also focus our attention for the next agenda on 2017:
- Nasal-oral-bronchial microbioma: any markers for healthy?
- Breast microbioma: which future for our children?
- Vaginal microbioma: still lactobacilli?
- Gut microbioma: transplantation, diseases and future evolutions
- Skin microbioma: intestinal or topical solution?
- Organs-gut axes: only brain?
- Technical and bioinformatics tools for studying microbioma
- Guidelines and Miscellanea: right samples for the right microbioma

We hope of course to receive more suggestions and especially productive applications for participating to the 5th International Congress of Microbiota.

Wishing you and you families a prosperous and fruitful new years, best regards and see you soon in Paris.

Prof. Lorenzo Drago
President of ISM

Special Session on Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: All you need to know from A to Z about FMT

Pr. Peter Konturek

This special session will be animated by Pr Peter Konturek, from the Teaching Hospital of the University of Jena, Germany.

Who is Pr. Peter Konturek?


Pr Harald Weiner from Harvard University will introduce Targeting Microbiota 2016

Howard Weiner Microbiota Congress2016The Scientific Committee is honoured to welcome Pr Harald Weiner, from Harvard University, USA to introduce the 4th World Congress on  Targeting Microbiota to be held at Institut Pasteur, Paris on October 17-19, 2016.


Strategic questions by Marvin Edeas, from Institut Cochin, INSERM U1016

During Targeting Microbiota 2016 World Congress which will be held from October 17 to 19, at Pasteur Institute, Paris, more than 100 communications (oral & poster) will be presented during three days.

With more than 400 attendees coming form academies and industries, we asked Marvin Edeas, from Institut Cochin, INSERM U1016, University Paris Descartes and as chairman of the scientific committee of Targeting Microbiota 2016 to comment about the strategic points and questions which will be discussed during Targeting Microbiota 2016.

In order to have a better picture of microbiota 2016 advances, we need to answer many questions:
- Can we modulate the quality and diversity of our microbiota?
- Where is the red line of the gut microbiota manipulation?

- What are the strategic mediators of gut microbiota?
- What is the perfect microbiota "signature" and how to use it as a biomarker to "predict" and/or treat many diseases?
- It is very easy today to analyze and study the microbiota, however it is very difficult to interpret the results. How the skills of bioinformaticians will lead us to a "golden standard"? 
- Can policy makers clarify the health claims and fecal microbiota transplantation regulation?

Marvin Edeas concluded: I wish that we have a strong discussion between all the actors to progress in our strategies to predict and treat many microbiota related diseases.

For more information about Targeting Microbiota 2016:





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